AirMar PB200 ultrasonic meteorological station all thesensors are integrated together, can accurately measurethe apparent wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, air temperature and wind chill temperature. Use the built-in compass and WAAS GPS can also calculate the wind speed and wind direction real, erosion of shell structure compact anti ultraviolet, waterproof, resistant tosunlight and chemicals.
Product introduction
PB200 ultrasonic meteorological station can monitor to the instantaneous change of meteorological parametersenvironment. To measure wind speed and wind directionusing 4 ultrasonic probes, no moving parts, instruments,more durable, more reliable data. Internal WAAS GPS engine and three axis solid-state compasses make PB200can directly measure the true wind speed and direction and the virtual wind speed and direction, and do not need to add any auxiliary sensor. In addition, WAAS GPS can provide navigation data and magnetic variation, as privateGPS data. Built in temperature and air pressure sensorscan forecast the weather changes. PB200 ultrasonicmeteorological station can meet the requirements for all of your navigation, no other product on the market can take these different sensors are combined in the sameequipment.
Measurement parameters
The true wind speed and direction
The apparent wind speed and direction
The air temperature
The wind chill temperature
The atmospheric pressure
Performance characteristics
The ultrasonic wind speed and wind direction sensor
◆ NIST calibration
The built-in WAAS/EGNOS GPS
◆ three axis solid-state compasses
◆ 3D accelerometer can provide roll and pitch data stabilityduring motion
◆ plastic shell can avoid lightning
◆ RS422/NMEA 0183/NMEA 2000 output
◆ wind 0- 360 ° no dead time
◆ the stationary state accuracy is less than 1 °.
Precision compass the mobile state of 2 °
◆ the yaw rate gyro can provide steering rate data
◆ convenient installation
◆ without any moving parts, no maintenance