Towed multi beam fish robot is equipped with 4 horizontal thrusters, 2 vertical / lateral thruster. Streamlined design,its carrying fish sonar and camera equipment, lighting.Remote control, operating water depth of 300m, the ship is equipped with a deck control unit and a power supply unit,used for power supply system, data communication and system control.
The system has the advantages of:
1, bionics design idea, can speak and fish Sonar on thedepth of observation of the most suitable, meet the needs of the fish and underwater photography research.
2, in the low flow conditions, can be carried out underwatercruise operations like ordinary robot
3, also can survey ship towed observation, the fastestspeed is 5 - 6 section drag, depth can be controlled in therange of 50 - 100 meters, very suitable for reservoir fish surveys, deep water basin. To improve the efficiency of fish resource investigation.
4, fiber optic umbilical cable, equipped with a manual winch,transportation is very convenient
Technical indicators
The framework and the floating block
§ material: aluminum and high strength ABS
The maximum water depth: 300 m
§ free speed: up to 3 knots
§ free speed: up to 6 knots
§ synthetic foam floating material, winged, streamline
The camera and lighting
§ camera type: Sony Super-HAD, color, 1/4 "CCD, a flat mirror waterproof cover, image without distortion.
§ sensitivity: a minimum of 1.5 Lux
The resolution: 460+ TV line (380000 effective pixels)
§ AF: manual or automatic
Zoom: § 10 times optical zoom, digital zoom times 4
§ pitch range: 180 ° regulation
§ lighting: 2x50W halogen lamp, light intensity can be adjusted, and the camera synchronization control
The 4 150W large thrust of the propeller, 4 horizontal thrusters, 2 vertical / lateral thruster. Is a brush DCpropeller, speed can achieve linear regulator.
§ dimensions: length 246.8mm, diameter 44.45mm, outside the cabin, blade protection cover diameter 125.73mm
The external capsule material: Anodic Alumina
§ pressure depth: 300m
§ weight: 1.04kg (air)
§ joint: rubber E/O joint
The propeller blade diameter: 3, 4"
§ thrust: 6.8 kg / (150W type)
Umbilical cable
§ umbilical cable length: 165m
§ umbilical cable diameter: 9mm
§ umbilical cable water weight: neutral buoyancy
The berth control unit and power supply unit
The control unit and power supply unit is respectively arranged at two Pelican protection box, the control unitcover 19 "display, equipped with burner. The box body hasvarious control buttons, for real time control. With a depthsensor and a compass, can realize the depth of cruise anddirectional cruise. The power supply unit is equipped with GFI grounding protection, circuit breaker, wire insulationmonitoring, water alarm and protection measures.