The instrument can obtain the most fish world sense chart,you can also create your own sense chart for other special fish.
Universal, and can provide needed programming of your data.
Without damage, without can obtain detailed data to intervene, accurate rapid assessment of wet fish freshness
A new microprocessor, user friendly menu interface
Measurement mode with regular measurement of flexible
Easy generation / correction options, enhanced datadownload
Fish freshness meter to meet the wet fish "quality"assessment of the actual methods of demand, and providea related fish freshness land assessment report,
For retailers and processing industry to determine thecargo fish remaining shelf life.
As everyone knows, the corruption has wet fish species diversity, a variety of factors such as fat content,processing, storage, biological factors and seasonal factorshave seriously affected the rate of corruption.
As everyone knows, the corruption has wet fish species diversity, a variety of factors such as fat content,processing, storage, biological factors and seasonal factorshave seriously affected the rate of corruption.
Based on the method of sensory evaluation of charge is very slow and difficult to meet the standard in the industry.
Working principle
Working principle
Conductance, capacitance and quality factor of fish freshness meter measuring fish and muscle tissue (Q-factor). Fish spoilage or bacterial activity increases, the interior and exterior of the cell electrolyte redistribution, it changes the capacitance and the resistance of fish or muscle tissue, also allows us to standardization of fish freshness meter response. After preparing sense chart intosimple things, enable the operator to obtain objective andbe consistent from beginning to end the evaluation to determine the freshness of fish